How many times have you visited a garage and left feeling like they've ripped you off? It happens far too often, even in Spokane, but we're here to change all that. At Fraziers Auto & Detail, our honest, reliable experts will help you understand exactly what's wrong with your vehicle, and fix it for you at a reasonable price. We won't carry out any major work without speaking to you first, and our speedy service means you'll be back on the road in no time. Phone our auto repair shop on (509) 230-7651 for an immediate response.
Our professional mechanics are highly trained and are carry out all of our services to an exceptional standard. Whether it’s a quick repair or even some useful advice to bear in mind for the future, our knowledgeable, friendly and helpful team are the most qualified people you can find. Simply give us a call today to find out more about what we offer.
Our team may be small, but we can guarantee that pound for pound, we're the best around. If your upholstery needs a thorough wash and scrub, or you need to cover up a chip or a scratch on your bonnet, we've got the guys to get on it. Our connections with car cleaning suppliers means we also have the best lathers, soft wash mitts, drying towls, all tried and tested for the best results. With us you're not getting a casual wash and polish, you're getting a thorough clean that'll make your motor look better than new.